
Version: $Id: index.html,v 1.6 2001/11/29 15:07:23 strubi Exp $

Find here the current (little) documentation done on the Python API development

What is Python good for / FAQ

Here you find a short summary on the Python APIs in Blender and some FAQs (more to be collected)

Proposal for further API development

This is an overview on the nice-to-have's, but also a very long list of prerequisites and ideas on how to tackle that work load..

Current development

This is a list of features currently being looked at / implemented. Probably not too up to date due to the typical programmer's documentation lazyness.

The Blender League

A group of dedicated python developers who are willing to support and manage themselves, with the goal of having a powerful Blender SDK.
Hopefully, there will be a forum soon and a way of organizing the cooperation and development between them and NaN.
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