Module owner: Njin-Zu ([email protected])
This project deals with things related to the software engineering process within NaN. You will only find purely engineering related items, and nothing that deals in any way with Blender domain-specific things.
Each month, the warnings generated from a clean build from Blender parts are counted. The aim is to get the warning count to 0 (zero, nill, nothing). Once this is realised, we might start thinking about using static code checkers (such as lint or qac).
Here are some rules how to write and lay-out code. They are here to make writing and (especially) reading code an easier job.
Here are some guidelines on how to review code. Document reviews are in the pipeline...
The Standard Template Library (STL) offers a nice implementation for standard containers (lists, sets, maps, etc) and some utilities for that. Instead of reinventing the wheel x times over, use the STL.