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virtualenvwrapper adds commands for naming, creating, listing, activating and deactivating Python virtualenvs, which makes it much easier to work on various Python projects.

If you prefer not to use it, any other way of creating a virtualenv or venv will do.

Database setup

To create a new Blender ID database, run this as the PostgreSQL root user:

CREATE USER blender_id CREATEDB PASSWORD 'blender_id';
CREATE DATABASE blender_id OWNER blender_id;
CREATE SCHEMA blender_id;
GRANT ALL ON schema blender_id TO blender_id;

Password can be changed using the following:

ALTER ROLE blender_id WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

In case of production, omit CREATEDB and make sure that both postgres and blender_id users have secure hard to guess passwords set.

Development server setup

After cloning Blender ID repo, perform these steps to create a working dev server:

  • Copy settings module cp blenderid/ blenderid/ and adjust to your needs;
  • Run git submodule update --init;
  • Create a virtual environment with Python 3.10:
    mkvirtualenv blender-id -a `pwd` -p /usr/bin/python3.10
    pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Note that path to python3.10 binary might differ in your OS, adjust the mkvirtualenv command accordingly.

From this point on we assume you run everything with the virtual environment active.

  • Run ./ migrate to migrate your database to the latest version;
  • Run mkdir media to create the directory that'll hold uploaded files, such as images for the badges;
  • Run ./ createsuperuser to create super user;
  • Load fixtures:
   ./ loaddata default_site
   ./ loaddata default_roles
   ./ loaddata flatpages
  • Run ./ collectmedia to collect media from fixtures and place into the media directory;
  • Add id.local to /etc/hosts;
  • Run ./ runserver

Devserver is now available at http://id.local:8000/

Setting up the Documentation system

We use mkdocs for documentation generation.

  • cd docs directory
  • Run mkdocs serve and browse to the location suggested by the command output


  1. Check out the default management endpoints of the Django OAuth Toolkit.


"Site matching query does not exist."

Do this, activate Blender ID virtualenv environment and run:

./ loaddata default_site

Then access your site at http://id.local:8000/. Add an entry to your hosts file if necessary.