- Mode
Object Mode
- Menu
- Hotkey
Alt-G, Alt-S, Alt-R
Clearing transforms resets the transform values. The objects location and rotation values are set to 0, and the scale to 1.
- Clear Location Alt-G
Clear (reset) the location of the selection. This will move the selection back to the coordinates (0, 0, 0).
- Clear Scale Alt-S
Clear (reset) the scale of the selection. This will change the scale to (1, 1, 1).
- Clear Rotation Alt-R
Clear (reset) the rotation of the selection. This will set the rotation of the selection to 0 degrees in each plane.
- Clear Origin
Clears (resets) the offset of the child objects origin. This will cause child objects to move to the origin of the parent.
- Clear Delta
Clear the delta transform in addition to clearing the primary transforms. (Appears in the Adjust Last Operation panel.)