- Menü
- Backface Culling
Use backface culling to hide backsides of faces.
- X-Ray
Render the scene transparent. With the slider you can control how transparent the scene should appear.
- Shadow
Renders a sharp shadow in the scene.
- Darkness
Defines how dark the shadow should be rendered. This slider can be adjusted between 0 (shadow not visible) and 1 (shadow is black).
- Light Direction
Controls the direction of the light source that casts the shadows.
- Shadow Shift
Controls the Shadow termination angle. It can be used to limit self shadowing artifacts.
- Shadow Focus
Controls the falloff near the edge of the shadow.
- Cavity
Highlight ridges and valleys in the scene geometry.
- Type
Method how to calculate the cavity.
- World
The World method is more precise but is slower to calculate.
- Screen
The Screen method is fast but does not take the size of the ridges and valleys into account.
- Both
Both will use both methods.
- Ridge
Control the visibility of ridges.
- Valley
Control the visibility of valleys.
- Depth of Field
Use the Depth of Field settings of the active camera in the viewport. Only visible when looking through the camera.
The settings are located on
panel.- Outline
Render the outline of objects in the viewport. The color of the outline can be adjusted.
- Specular Highlighting
Render specular highlights.
Only available when Lighting is set to Studio lighting or when a MatCap has been selected that contains a specular pass.