While this isn’t a comprehensive list, this page shows common keys used in Blender’s default keymap.
Globale Tastenbelegungen
Ctrl-O |
Datei öffnen. |
Ctrl-S |
Datei speichern. |
Ctrl-N |
Neue Datei. |
Ctrl-Z |
Rückgängig. |
Shift-Ctrl-Z |
Wiederherstellen. |
Ctrl-Q |
Beenden. |
F1 |
Hilfe (kontextabhängig) |
F2 |
Aktives Objekt umbenennen. |
F3 |
Menu Search. |
F4 |
File context menu. |
F5 - F8 |
Für benutzerdefinierte Aktionen reserviert |
F9 |
Letzte Aktion anpassen. |
F10 |
Für benutzerdefinierte Aktionen reserviert |
F11 |
Zeige das Rendererfenster. |
F12 |
Render das aktuelle Frame. |
Q |
Schnellaufruf (Favoriten). |
Ctrl-Spacebar |
Maximieren des Bereichs umschalten. |
Ctrl-PageUp / Ctrl-PageDown |
Nächster/Vorheriger Workspace. |
Spacebar |
Von Benutzer wählbar.
Shift-Ctrl-Spacebar |
Animation rückwärts abspielen. |
Common Editing Keys
X |
Deletes the selected item, requires a confirmation dialog. |
Delete |
Deletes the selected item, does not require a confirmation dialog. |
Gemeinsame Editor Tastenbelegungen
Diese Tasten haben in Editoren wie 3D Viewport, UV und Graph Editor die selben Funktionen.
A |
Alles auswählen. |
Alt-A |
Nichts auswählen (Auswahl löschen) |
Ctrl-I |
Auswahl invertieren. |
H |
Auswahl verbergen. |
Alt-H |
Verborgene Objekte wieder hervorholen. |
T |
Toggle Toolbar. |
N |
Toggle Sidebar. |
3D Viewport Tasten
Tab |
Toggle Edit mode. |
Ctrl-Tab |
Toggle Pose mode for armatures, or show a mode switching pie menu for others. |
1 - 3 |
In Edit Mode, switch between editing vertices (1), edges (2), or faces (3). Hold Shift to toggle one of these without disabling the others. Hold Ctrl to alter how the selection is transformed from the old mode to the new. See Mesh Selection Modes for details. |
AccentGrave |
Show 3D Viewport navigation pie menu. |
Ctrl-AccentGrave |
Toggle gizmos. |
Shift-AccentGrave |
Start Walk/Fly Navigation. |
Platform Specific Keys
The Cmd key can be used instead of Ctrl on macOS for all but a few exceptions which conflict with the operating system.
List of additional macOS specific keys:
Cmd-Comma |
Preferences. |
Keymap Preferences
- Select with Mouse Button
Controls which mouse button, either left or right, is used to select items in Blender. If Left is selected, the RMB will be a context sensitive menu. If Right is selected, the LMB will place the 3D Cursor.
- Spacebar Action
Bestimmt die Belegung der Leertaste. Dieses und weitere Tastenkürzel können unter „keymap preferences“ angepasst werden.
- Abspielen:
Starts playing through the Timeline. This option is good for animation or video editing work.
- Werkzeuge:
Opens the Toolbar underneath the cursor to quickly change the active tool. This option is good if you are doing a lot of modeling or rigging work.
- Suche:
Opens up the Menu Search. This option is good for someone who is new to Blender and is unfamiliar with the menus and shortcuts.
- Activate Gizmo Event
The activation event for gizmos that support drag motion. This option is only available when Left click Select with Mouse Button is chosen.
- Press:
The gizmo’s operation gets initiated (and additional options become available in the Status Bar) the moment you press down the mouse button on the gizmo.
- Drag:
The operation only gets initiated once you start dragging the gizmo.
- Tool Keys
The method of keys to activate tools such as move, rotate, and scale.
- Immediate:
Activate actions immediately.
- Active Tool:
Activate the tool for editors that support tools.
- Alt Click Tool Prompt
Tapping Alt shows a prompt in the status bar prompting a second keystroke to activate the tool. Note that this option is not available when using Emulate 3 Button Mouse.
- Alt Tool Access
Hold Alt to use the Active Tool when the gizmo would normally be required. (For example, with the Move tool selected, you can hold Alt and drag the mouse anywhere in the viewport to move the selected object, rather than having to drag its gizmo.) This option is only available when Select with Mouse Button is set to Left click and Emulate 3 Button Mouse is disabled.
- Select All Toggles
Causes selection shortcut A to deselect all when any selection exists.
- Region Toggle Pie
N opens a pie menu to toggle Regions, rather than toggling a single region.
3D Viewport
- Grave Accent / Tilde Action
- Navigate:
Navigation pie menu, useful on systems without a numeric keypad.
- Gizmos:
Transform gizmos pie menu, useful for quickly switching between transform gizmos. Note that this doesn’t apply to tools that force a certain gizmo (Move, Rotate, Scale and Transform); if you have such a tool selected, the gizmo will stay the same no matter what you choose in the pie menu.
- Middle Mouse Action
The action when MMB dragging in the viewport, this also applies to trackpads.
- Orbit:
Rotates the view around a pivot point, Shift-MMB is used for panning the view.
- Pan:
Shifts the view towards the mouse, Shift-MMB is used for orbiting the view.
- Alt Middle Mouse Drag Action
- Relative:
Set the view axis where each mouse direction maps to an axis relative to the current orientation.
- Absolute:
Set the view axis where each mouse direction always maps to the same axis.
File Browser
- Open Folders on Single Click
Navigate into folders by clicking on them once instead of twice.