************* Drivers Panel ************* .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Editor: Graph editor :Mode: Drivers :Panel: :menuselection:`Properties region --> Drivers --> Drivers` .. figure:: /images/animation_drivers_drivers-panel_panel.png :align: right Drivers panel. This panel is located in the :doc:`Graph Editor ` with the mode set to Drivers. The Drivers panel is for setting up *Driver Variables* or a *Scripted Expression* which will determine the value of the *Driver Value*. Settings ======== Update Dependencies This will force an update for the Driver Value dependencies. Remove Driver Removes the driver from the property. Type There are two categories of scripts: built-in (average, sum, minimum and maximum) and custom scripts (Scripted Expressions). Average Value Uses the average value of the referenced Driver Variables. Sum Values Uses the sum of the referenced Driver Variables. Scripted Expression Uses a Scripted Expression. See Expression. You must write a Python expression which performs your own calculations on the Driver Variables. Minimum Value Uses the lowest value from the referenced Driver Variables. Maximum Value Uses the highest value from the referenced Driver Variables. Expression Scripted Expression. Here you can add variables, real numbers, math operators, math functions, Python properties, driver functions. See Driver Expression below for some examples. Use Self This allows for drivers to references their own data using the variable ``self``. Useful for objects, bones, to avoid having to create a variable pointing to its self. Show Debug Info Shows the *Driver Value*. Driver Value The output value of the driver script. Driver Variables ---------------- .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/animation_drivers_drivers-panel_transform-channel2.png Transform channel setup. - .. figure:: /images/animation_drivers_drivers-panel_distance.png Distance setup. Variable are references to properties or delta transformations which are a reference to two properties. Add Variable Adds a new Driver Variable. Copy/Paste Uses the copy of the current variable stack so it can be pasted onto another object's variable stack. Name Name to use for scripted expressions/functions. No spaces or dots are allowed and must start with a letter. Variable Type The type of variable to use. Single Property Use the value from some RNA property. For example, the Ambient shading color from a material. (see Fig. :ref:`fig-setup-single-property`) First select the type of ID-block, then the ID of the ID-block, then copy and paste an RNA property :kbd:`Ctrl-V`. See also :doc:`/data_system/custom_properties`. ID Type The ID-block type. For example: Key, Image, Object, Material. ID The ID of the ID-block type. For example: "Material.001". RNA Path The RNA ID name of the property. For example: 'ambient' from material shading. Transform Channel Use one of the Transform channels from an object or bone. ID ID of the object. For example: Cube, Armature, Camera. Bone ID of the Armature bone. For example: "Bone", "Bone.002", "Arm.r". This option is for armatures. Type For example, X Location, X Rotation, X Scale. Space World Space, Transform Space, Local Space. Rotational Difference Use the rotational difference between two objects or bones. Distance Use the distance between two objects or bones. Value Shows the value of the variable. Example ======= .. _fig-setup-single-property: .. figure:: /images/animation_drivers_drivers-panel_single-property.png Setup of a single property. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Extending Blender with Python `. - `Python `__ and its `documentation `__. - `functions.wolfram.com `__.