.. |pivot-icon| image:: /images/editors_3dview_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_menu.png ********* 3D Cursor ********* .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Header: |pivot-icon| :menuselection:`Pivot Point --> 3D Cursor` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Period` The 3D cursor is the most intuitive of the pivot points. With the 3D cursor selected as the active pivot point (from either the *Editor's Header* or via :kbd:`Period`), simply position the 3D cursor and then do the required transformation. All rotation and scaling transformations will now be done relative to the location of the 3D cursor. Example ======= The image below shows the difference when rotating an Object around the median point (left) and around the 3D cursor (right). .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_3d-cursor_example.png Rotation around the 3D cursor compared to the median point.