************ Introduction ************ The Movie Clip Editor has two main purposes, it can be used for tracking or masking movies. The empty editor looks like the image below. .. figure:: /images/editors_movie-clip-editor_introduction_interface.png Movie Clip Editor interface. Header ====== Clip Menu --------- - Open Clip :kbd:`Alt-O` Controls -------- Movie Clip :ref:`Data-block menu ` used for add a movie file. Both movie files and image sequences can be used in the Clip editor. When a movie clip is loaded into the Clip editor, extra panels are displayed in the interface. .. figure:: /images/editors_movie-clip-editor_introduction_example.png Movie Clip Editor with an opened clip. Modes - :doc:`Motion Tracking ` - :doc:`Masking ` Pivot Point See :doc:`Pivot Points `. Proportional Edit See :doc:`Proportional Edit `. Properties Region ================= Footage Settings See :doc:`/editors/uv_image/image/image_settings`. Main View ========= Mini Timeline ------------- When a clip is loaded a Timeline is shown at bottom of the Preview. It expands over the full area limited by the animation range. You can move the Time Cursor by dragging with :kbd:`LMB`. The Timeline is composed of the following visual elements: - Green line: Time Cursor - Yellow: Motion track - Yellow line: Keyframe - Orange line: Shape keyframe - Purple: Prefetched frames - Light green line: Solve start/end keyframe