.. _bpy.types.SceneRenderLayer: ****** Layers ****** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Panel: :menuselection:`Render Layers --> Layer` This section covers only the Render Layer settings appropriate for the Blender Renderer. For the engine-independent settings, see :doc:`this section `. Exclude Scene layers are shared between all render layers; however, sometimes it is useful to leave out some object influence for a particular render layer. Material Overrides all materials in the render layer. Samples Render layer samples to override the scene samples. Controlled by the :ref:`layer samples ` in the sampling panel. Use Environment Disables rendering the *Environment* render pass in the final render. Use AO Disables rendering the *Ambient Occlusion* render pass in the final render. Use Surfaces Disables rendering object materials in the final render. Use Hair Disables rendering hair strands in the final render.