******** Skeleton ******** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: All Modes :Panel: :menuselection:`Armature --> Skeleton` .. figure:: /images/rigging_armatures_properties_skeleton_panel.png The Skeleton panel. In this panel you can arrange sets of bones into different layers for easier manipulation. Position ======== A radio button to switch between Pose Position and Rest Position. Whereas in *Edit Mode*, you always see your armature in its rest position, in *Object Mode* and *Pose Mode* you see it by default in its *Pose Position* (i.e. as it was transformed in the *Pose Mode*). If you want to see it in the rest position in all modes, enable the *Rest Position* button in the *Armature* tab (*Edit Mode*). .. _armature-layers: Armature Layers =============== Each armature has 32 "Armature layers" which allow you to organize your armature by "regrouping" sets of bones into layers; this works similar to scene layers (those containing your objects). You can then "move" a bone to a given layer, hide or show one or several layers, etc. Showing/Hiding Bone Layers -------------------------- Only bones in active layers will be visible/editable, but they will always be effective (i.e. move objects or deform geometry), whether in an active layer or not. To (de)activate a layer, you have several options, depending in which mode you are in: - In all modes, use the row of small buttons at the top of the *Display Options* group, *Armature* panel. If you want to enable/disable several layers at once, as usual, hold :kbd:`Shift` while clicking... - In *Edit Mode* and *Pose Mode*, you can also do this from the *3D View*, either by using the menu :menuselection:`Armature --> Switch Armature Layers` or :menuselection:`Pose --> Switch Armature Layers`, or the :kbd:`Shift-M` shortcut, to display a small pop-up menu containing the same buttons as described above (here again, you can use :kbd:`Shift-LMB` clicks to (de)select several layers at once). Protected Layers ---------------- You can lock a given bone layer for all :ref:`proxies ` of your armature, i.e. all bones in this layer will not be editable. To do so, in the *Skeleton* panel, :kbd:`Ctrl-LMB` click on the relevant button, the layer lock will be enabled. Protected layers in proxy are restored to proxy settings on file reload and undo.