.. _bpy.types.Brush: .. _bpy.ops.brush: ***** Brush ***** .. figure:: /images/sculpt-paint_brush_data-block-menu.png :align: right Brush data-block menu. Brushes The :ref:`ui-data-block` to select a preset brush type or a custom brush. They are a combination of a "tool", along with stroke, texture, and options. The brush can be selected by numbers: :kbd:`0` to :kbd:`9` and :kbd:`Shift-0` to :kbd:`Shift-9`. Add ``+`` When you add a brush, the new brush is a clone of the current one. .. note:: In order to save in a blend-user a custom brush, set a Fake User. - Increase/decrease brush size :kbd:`[` and :kbd:`]` Radial Control ============== - Set brush size :kbd:`F` - Set brush strength :kbd:`Shift-F` - Rotate brush texture :kbd:`Ctrl-F` You can then either adjust the value interactively or by typing in numbers. After pressing the hotkey move the mouse to increase/reduce the value (additionally with precision and/or snapping activated). Finally confirm (:kbd:`LMB`, :kbd:`Return`) or cancel (:kbd:`RMB`, :kbd:`Esc`). .. TODO: Move to own page (manual/sculpt_paint/options.rst), add refboxes .. _sculpt-paint-brush-appearance: Options ======= Overlay ------- .. figure:: /images/sculpt-paint_brush_appearance-panel.png :align: right Brush appearance options. .. Tool Shelf --> Options --> Overlay panel Allows you to customize the display in the viewport of the *Curve* and *Texture* that is applied to the brush. View The eye icon is used as a toggle to show or hide the given brush texture. Alpha You can change the amount of transparency used when showing the texture using the *Alpha* slider. Stroke Overlay The brush icon allows you to turn off the viewport overlay during strokes. Appearance ---------- .. figure:: /images/sculpt-paint_sculpting_introduction_brush-circle.png :align: right Brush cursor. .. Tool Shelf --> Options --> Appearance panel Allows you to customize the color of the brush radius outline and to specify a custom icon. Show Brush Shows the brush shape in the viewport. Color Set the color of the brush ring. Custom Icon Allows definition of a custom brush icon.