.. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, GENERATED BY 'blender_help_extract.py' CHANGES TO THIS FILE MUST BE MADE IN BLENDER'S SOURCE CODE, SEE: https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/B/browse/master/source/creator/creator_args.c .. _command_line-args: ********************** Command Line Arguments ********************** Blender |BLENDER_VERSION| Usage: blender [args ...] [file] [args ...] Render Options ============== ``-b``, ``--background`` Run in background (often used for UI-less rendering). ``-a``, ``--render-anim`` Render frames from start to end (inclusive). ``-S``, ``--scene`` ```` Set the active scene ```` for rendering. ``-f``, ``--render-frame`` ```` Render frame ```` and save it. * ``+`` start frame relative, ``-`` end frame relative. * A comma separated list of frames can also be used (no spaces). * A range of frames can be expressed using ``..`` separator between the first and last frames (inclusive). ``-s``, ``--frame-start`` ```` Set start to frame ````, supports +/- for relative frames too. ``-e``, ``--frame-end`` ```` Set end to frame ````, supports +/- for relative frames too. ``-j``, ``--frame-jump`` ```` Set number of frames to step forward after each rendered frame. ``-o``, ``--render-output`` ```` Set the render path and file name. Use ``//`` at the start of the path to render relative to the blend-file. The ``#`` characters are replaced by the frame number, and used to define zero padding. * ``animation_##_test.png`` becomes ``animation_01_test.png`` * ``test-######.png`` becomes ``test-000001.png`` When the filename does not contain ``#``, The suffix ``####`` is added to the filename. The frame number will be added at the end of the filename, eg: .. code-block:: sh blender -b animation.blend -o //render_ -F PNG -x 1 -a ``//render_`` becomes ``//render_####``, writing frames as ``//render_0001.png`` ``-E``, ``--engine`` ```` Specify the render engine. Use ``-E`` help to list available engines. ``-t``, ``--threads`` ```` Use amount of ```` for rendering and other operations [1-64], 0 for systems processor count. Format Options ============== ``-F``, ``--render-format`` ```` Set the render format. Valid options are: ``TGA`` ``RAWTGA`` ``JPEG`` ``IRIS`` ``IRIZ`` ``AVIRAW`` ``AVIJPEG`` ``PNG`` ``BMP`` Formats that can be compiled into Blender, not available on all systems: ``HDR`` ``TIFF`` ``OPEN_EXR`` ``OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER`` ``MPEG`` ``CINEON`` ``DPX`` ``DDS`` ``JP2`` ``-x``, ``--use-extension`` ```` Set option to add the file extension to the end of the file. Animation Playback Options ========================== ``-a`` ```` ```` Instead of showing Blender's user interface, this runs Blender as an animation player, to view movies and image sequences rendered in Blender (ignored if ``-b`` is set). Playback Arguments: ``-p`` ```` ```` Open with lower left corner at ````, ````. ``-m`` Read from disk (Do not buffer). ``-f`` ```` ```` Specify FPS to start with. ``-j`` ```` Set frame step to ````. ``-s`` ```` Play from ````. ``-e`` ```` Play until ````. Window Options ============== ``-w``, ``--window-border`` Force opening with borders. ``-W``, ``--window-fullscreen`` Force opening in fullscreen mode. ``-p``, ``--window-geometry`` ```` ```` ```` ```` Open with lower left corner at ````, ```` and width and height as ````, ````. ``-M``, ``--window-maximized`` Force opening maximized. ``-con``, ``--start-console`` Start with the console window open (ignored if ``-b`` is set), (Windows only). ``--no-native-pixels`` Do not use native pixel size, for high resolution displays (MacBook ``Retina``). ``--no-window-focus`` Open behind other windows and without taking focus. Python Options ============== ``-y``, ``--enable-autoexec`` Enable automatic Python script execution (default). ``-Y``, ``--disable-autoexec`` Disable automatic Python script execution (pydrivers & startup scripts). ``-P``, ``--python`` ```` Run the given Python script file. ``--python-text`` ```` Run the given Python script text block. ``--python-expr`` ```` Run the given expression as a Python script. ``--python-console`` Run Blender with an interactive console. ``--python-exit-code`` ```` Set the exit-code in [0..255] to exit if a Python exception is raised (only for scripts executed from the command line), zero disables. ``--addons`` ```` Comma separated list of add-ons (no spaces). Logging Options =============== ``--log`` ```` Enable logging categories, taking a single comma separated argument. Multiple categories can be matched using a ``.*`` suffix, so ``--log "wm.*"`` logs every kind of window-manager message. Use "^" prefix to ignore, so ``--log "*,^wm.operator.*"`` logs all except for ``wm.operators.*`` Use "*" to log everything. ``--log-level`` ```` Set the logging verbosity level (higher for more details) defaults to 1, use -1 to log all levels. ``--log-show-basename`` Only show file name in output (not the leading path). ``--log-show-backtrace`` Show a back trace for each log message (debug builds only). ``--log-show-timestamp`` Show a timestamp for each log message in seconds since start. ``--log-file`` ```` Set a file to output the log to. Debug Options ============= ``-d``, ``--debug`` Turn debugging on. * Enables memory error detection * Disables mouse grab (to interact with a debugger in some cases) * Keeps Python's ``sys.stdin`` rather than setting it to None ``--debug-value`` ```` Set debug value of ```` on startup. ``--debug-events`` Enable debug messages for the event system. ``--debug-ffmpeg`` Enable debug messages from FFmpeg library. ``--debug-handlers`` Enable debug messages for event handling. ``--debug-libmv`` Enable debug messages from libmv library. ``--debug-cycles`` Enable debug messages from Cycles. ``--debug-memory`` Enable fully guarded memory allocation and debugging. ``--debug-jobs`` Enable time profiling for background jobs. ``--debug-python`` Enable debug messages for Python. ``--debug-depsgraph`` Enable all debug messages from dependency graph. ``--debug-depsgraph-eval`` Enable debug messages from dependency graph related on evaluation. ``--debug-depsgraph-build`` Enable debug messages from dependency graph related on graph construction. ``--debug-depsgraph-tag`` Enable debug messages from dependency graph related on tagging. ``--debug-depsgraph-no-threads`` Switch dependency graph to a single threaded evaluation. ``--debug-depsgraph-time`` Enable debug messages from dependency graph related on timing. ``--debug-depsgraph-pretty`` Enable colors for dependency graph debug messages. ``--debug-gpu`` Enable gpu debug context and information for OpenGL 4.3+. ``--debug-gpumem`` Enable GPU memory stats in status bar. ``--debug-gpu-shaders`` Enable GPU memory stats in status bar. ``--debug-gpu-force-workarounds`` Enable GPU memory stats in status bar. ``--debug-wm`` Enable debug messages for the window manager, shows all operators in search, shows keymap errors. ``--debug-all`` Enable all debug messages. ``--debug-io`` Enable debug messages for I/O (collada, ...). ``--debug-fpe`` Enable floating point exceptions. ``--disable-crash-handler`` Disable the crash handler. ``--disable-abort-handler`` Disable the abort handler. Misc Options ============ ``--app-template`` ``