.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeDoubleEdgeMask: ********************* Double Edge Mask Node ********************* .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeDoubleEdgeMask.png :align: right Double Edge Mask Node. The *Double Edge Mask* node creates a gradient between two masks. Inputs ====== Inner Mask A mask representing the inside shape, which will be fully white. Outer Mask A mask representing the outside shape, which will fade from black at its edges to white at the *Inner Mask*. Properties ========== Inner Edge All All shapes in the *Inner Mask* contribute to the gradient, even ones that do not touch the *Outer Mask* shape. Adjacent Only Only shapes in the *Inner Mask* that overlap with the *Outer Mask* contribute to the gradient. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_matte_double-edge-mask_all.png All. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_matte_double-edge-mask_adjacent.png Adjacent Only. Buffer Edge Keep In Parts of the *Outer Mask* that touch the edge of the image are treated as if they stop at the edge. Bleed Out Parts of the *Outer Mask* that touch the edge of the image are extended beyond the boundary of the image. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_matte_double-edge-mask_in.png Keep In. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_matte_double-edge-mask_bleed.png Bleed Out. Outputs ======= Mask Standard mask output. Example ======= .. youtube:: VcjEfoNIHZs