.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeNormal: .. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` .. --- copy below this line --- *********** Normal Node *********** .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeNormal.png :align: right Normal Node. The Normal node generates a normal vector and a dot product. Inputs ====== Normal Normal vector input. Properties ========== Normal Direction To manually set a fixed normal direction vector. :kbd:`LMB` click and drag on the sphere to set the direction of the normal. Holding :kbd:`Ctrl` while dragging snaps to 45 degree rotation increments. Outputs ======= Normal Normal vector output. Dot Dot product output. The dot product is a scalar value. - If two normals are pointing in the same direction the dot product is 1. - If they are perpendicular the dot product is zero (0). - If they are antiparallel (facing directly away from each other) the dot product is -1.