********** Navigating ********** Panning can be done by clicking the :kbd:`MMB` and dragging. Zooming can be done by scrolling :kbd:`Wheel` up or down. Also, as in the 3D View, you can use :kbd:`NumpadPlus` or :kbd:`NumpadMinus` to zoom. Gizmos ====== Next to the Sidebar region at the top, there are gizmos that allow panning and zooming more comfortably when e.g. no mouse wheel is available. View Menu ========= Region Controls Adjust which regions are visible in the Image editor. Update Automatically Update the view in multiple areas. Show Metadata Displays the Metadata if they were set in the render tab's :doc:`/render/output/metadata` panel. View Zoom In/Out :kbd:`Wheel` Adjusts the Zoom level. Fractional Zoom - Zoom 1:8 :kbd:`Numpad8` - Zoom 1:4 :kbd:`Numpad4` - Zoom 1:2 :kbd:`Numpad2` - Zoom 1:1 :kbd:`Numpad1` - Zoom 2:1 :kbd:`Shift-Numpad2` - Zoom 4:1 :kbd:`Shift-Numpad4` - Zoom 8:1 :kbd:`Shift-Numpad8` Frame All :kbd:`Home` Center the view to the entire image. Frame All Fit :kbd:`Shift-Home` Fit the view to the image dimensions. Render Region :kbd:`Ctrl-B` See :ref:`Render Region `. Clear Render Region :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-B` See :ref:`Render Region `. Area Adjust the :doc:`area ` the Image editor is in.