.. _bpy.types.TextureNodeBricks: *********** Bricks Node *********** .. figure:: /images/editors_texture-node_types_patterns_bricks_node.png :align: right Bricks node. The Bricks node creates a brick like pattern. Inputs ====== Bricks 1, Bricks 2 Sets the color range of the bricks. Brick colors are chosen randomly between these two colors. Mortar Sets the mortar color, in between the bricks. Thickness Sets the thickness of the mortar. Bias The bias of randomly chosen colors, between (-1 to 1). -1 Makes all bricks Color 1, and a value of 1 makes them all Color 2. Brick Width Sets the horizontal size of all the bricks. Row Height Sets the vertical size of all the bricks. Properties ========== Offset The relative offset of the next row of bricks. Frequency Offset every N rows. The brick pattern offset repeats every N rows. Squash Scales the bricks in every N rows by this amount. Frequency Squash every N rows. Outputs ======= Color Standard color output.