.. _tool-grease-pencil-draw-erase: ********** Erase Tool ********** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Draw Mode :Panel: :menuselection:`Toolbar --> Tools --> Draw Tools --> Erase` The Erase tool erase already drawn strokes. Usage ===== Selecting a Brush ----------------- In the Tool Settings select the brush to use with the tool. The Erase tool uses :doc:`Erase Brush ` types (soft, point and stroke). Soft Erasing ------------ - Select an erase brush of type Soft/Hard. - Adjust brush settings. - Click and hold :kbd:`LMB` or use the :kbd:`Pen` tip to delete strokes on the viewport. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_soft-01.png :width: 200px Original drawing. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_soft-02.png :width: 200px The eraser affect the transparency of the strokes. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_soft-03.png :width: 200px Final result. Point Erasing ------------- - Select an erase brush of type Point. - Adjust brush settings. - Click and hold :kbd:`LMB` or use the :kbd:`Pen` tip to delete strokes on the viewport. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_point-01.png :width: 200px Original drawing. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_point-02.png :width: 200px The eraser delete one point at a time. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_point-03.png :width: 200px Final result. Stroke Erasing -------------- - Select an erase brush of type Stroke. - Adjust brush settings. - Click and hold :kbd:`LMB` or use the :kbd:`Pen` tip to delete strokes on the viewport. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_stroke-01.png :width: 200px Original drawing. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_stroke-02.png :width: 200px The eraser delete one stroke at a time. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_erase_stroke-03.png :width: 200px Final result.