.. _bpy.types.Spline: ************* Active Spline ************* .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Edit Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Properties --> Curve --> Active Spline` The *Active Spline* panel is used in Edit Mode to control properties of the currently selected spline. .. _spline-common-options: .. _bpy.types.Spline.use_cyclic_u: .. _bpy.types.Spline.resolution_u: .. _bpy.types.Spline.use_smooth: .. rubric:: Common Options Cyclic U Closes the active spline. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.png Default NURBS curve. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-cyclic.png A NURBS curve with Cyclic applied. Resolution U Alters the :ref:`resolution ` of each segment by changing the number of subdivisions. Smooth Use :ref:`Smooth Shading ` for any 3D geometry. Poly ==== .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-poly.png Active Spline panel: Poly Spline. Cyclic U See :ref:`Common Options `. Smooth See :ref:`Common Options `. .. _bpy.types.Spline.tilt_interpolation: .. _bpy.types.Spline.radius_interpolation: Bézier ====== .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-bezier.png :align: center Active Spline panel: Bézier Spline. Cyclic U See :ref:`Common Options `. Resolution U See :ref:`Common Options `. Interpolation Tilt Alters how the tilt of a segment is calculated. Radius Alters how the radius of a beveled curve is calculated. The effects are easier to see after :ref:`increasing the radius `. Smooth See :ref:`Common Options `. .. _bpy.types.Spline.use_bezier_u: .. _bpy.types.Spline.use_endpoint_u: .. _bpy.types.Spline.order_u: NURBS ===== One of the characteristics of a NURBS object is the *knot vector*. This is a sequence of numbers used to determine the influence of the control points on the curve. While you cannot edit the knot vectors directly, you can influence them through the *Endpoint* and *Bézier* options in the Active Spline panel. Note that, the *Endpoint* and *Bézier* settings only apply to open NURBS curves. .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-nurbs.png :align: center Active Spline: NURBS Spline. .. _modeling-curve-knot: Cyclic U See :ref:`Common Options `. Bézier U Makes the NURBS curve act like a Bézier curve. The NURBS control points act like *Free* handles of Bézier curve. Depending on the *Order*, 3 or 4 control points form one curve segment. *Cyclic* and *Endpoint* must be disabled for this option to work. Endpoint U Makes the curve contact the end control points. *Cyclic* must be disabled for this option to work. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.png Default NURBS curve. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-endpoint.png A NURBS curve with Endpoint enabled. .. _modeling-curve-order: Order U The order of the NURBS curve determines the area of influence of the control points over the curve. Higher order values means that a single control point has a greater influence over a greater relative proportion of the curve. The valid range of *Order* values is 2-6 depending on the number of control points present in the curve. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.png NURBS curves with orders of 4. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-order.png NURBS curves with orders of 2. Resolution U See :ref:`Common Options `. Smooth See :ref:`Common Options `.