.. _bpy.ops.surface.primitive*add: ********** Primitives ********** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Add --> Curve` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-A` .. seealso:: When adding curves there are some common options like other :ref:`Objects `. In Object/Edit Mode, the *Add Surface* menu, provides six different surface primitives: .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_primitives_surface.png NURBS surface primitives. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_primitives_curve.png NURBS curve primitives. NURBS Curve =========== *NURBS Curve* only have one control point on each V row. TODO. NURBS Circle ============ *NURBS Circle* only have one control point on each V row. TODO. Note how a circle :term:`NURBS` surface is never filled, unlike its "real" curve counterpart... NURBS Surface ============= TODO. NURBS Cylinder ============== TODO. NURBS Sphere ============ TODO. NURBS Torus =========== TODO.