.. _bpy.ops.render.play-rendered-anim: .. _render-output-animation_player: .. |numsp| unicode:: U+2007 **************** Animation Player **************** The :menuselection:`Topbar --> Render --> View Animation` menu will play back the rendered animation in a new window. You can also drop images or movie files in a running animation player. It will then restart the player with the new data. .. tip:: An external player can also be used instead of the one included in Blender. To do this, select it in the :doc:`Preferences `. Shortcuts ========= The following table shows the available hotkeys for the animation player. .. rubric:: Playback .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Action - Hotkey * - Start/Pause: - :kbd:`Spacebar` * - Start playback (when paused): - :kbd:`Return` * - Quit: - :kbd:`Esc` .. rubric:: Timeline .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Action - Hotkey * - Scrub in time: - :kbd:`LMB` * - Step back one frame: - :kbd:`Left` * - Step forward one frame: - :kbd:`Right` * - Step back 10 frames: - :kbd:`Down` * - Step forward 10 frames: - :kbd:`Up` * - Manual frame stepping: - :kbd:`NumpadPeriod` .. rubric:: Playback Options .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Action - Hotkey * - Backward playback: - :kbd:`Shift-Down` * - Forward playback - :kbd:`Shift-Up` * - Slow down playback: - :kbd:`Minus` * - Speed up playback: - :kbd:`Plus` * - Toggle looping: - :kbd:`Numpad0` * - Toggle frame skipping: - :kbd:`A` * - Toggle ping-pong: - :kbd:`P` .. rubric:: Display .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Action - Hotkey * - Toggle Playhead (Indicator): - :kbd:`I` * - Flip image on the X axis: - :kbd:`F` * - Flip image on the Y axis: - :kbd:`Shift-F` * - Hold to show frame numbers: - :kbd:`Shift` * - Zoom in: - :kbd:`Ctrl-Plus` * - Zoom out: - :kbd:`Ctrl-Minus` .. rubric:: Frame rate - 60 fps :kbd:`Numpad1` - 50 fps :kbd:`Numpad2` - 30 fps :kbd:`Numpad3` - 25 fps :kbd:`Numpad4` - 24 fps :kbd:`Shift-Numpad4` - 20 fps :kbd:`Numpad5` - 15 fps :kbd:`Numpad6` - 12 fps :kbd:`Numpad7` - 10 fps :kbd:`Numpad8` - |numsp|\ 6 fps :kbd:`Numpad9` - |numsp|\ 5 fps :kbd:`NumpadSlash`