.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeAttribute: ************** Attribute Node ************** .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_input_attribute_node.png :align: right Attribute Node. The *Attribute* node allows you to retrieve attributes attached to an object or mesh. Inputs ====== This node has no inputs. Properties ========== Name Name of the attribute. Most attributes are more easily available through the various input nodes, except for these: Vertex Color Layers These can be retrieved this by their names. Density Gives a scalar defining the density of any smoke inside the :doc:`Smoke Domain `. Color Gives the color of the smoke inside the :doc:`Smoke Domain `. The color and vector outputs are the same. The Factor output is an average of the channels. Temperature Gives a scalar defining the temperature of the volume. Values in the range 0..1 map to 0..1000 kelvin. This may be used to render physically-based fire with the Blackbody or Principled Volume shaders. All three outputs are the same. Flame Gives a scalar defining the density of any fire inside the :doc:`Smoke Domain `. All three outputs are the same. Ocean Foam Gives a scalar defining where foam might appear when using an :doc:`Ocean Modifier `. This depends on the name you give this property. .. seealso:: For a full list of options see `This Thread `__ on the Blender Stack Exchange. Outputs ======= Color RGB color interpolated from the attribute. Vector XYZ vector interpolated from the attribute. Factor Scalar value interpolated from the attribute.