.. |gizmo-icon| image:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_header.png ********************* Transformation Gizmos ********************* .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object and Edit Modes :Header: |gizmo-icon| :menuselection:`Viewport Gizmos --> Object Gizmos` The Transformation gizmo allows mouse controlled translation, rotation and scaling in the 3D View. There is a separate gizmos for each operation. Each gizmo can be used separately or in combination with the others. .. container:: lead .. clear .. list-table:: The different Gizmos. * - .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_options-translate.png :width: 320px Move. - .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_options-rotate.png :width: 320px Rotate. - .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_options-scale.png :width: 320px Scale. - .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_options-scalecage.png :width: 320px Scale Cage. - .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_gizmos_options-all.png :width: 320px Combination. Tool Settings ============= .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object and Edit Modes :Menu: :menuselection:`Tool Settings --> Orientation` Orientation Rotates the gizmo so that it is aligned to one of the :doc:`Transformation Orientations `. Gizmo Controls ============== Basic ----- You can use the widget by dragging one of the three colored axes with :kbd:`LMB`. The transformation will be locked to the clicked axis. Dragging the small white circle allows free transformation. In case of the rotation gizmo this starts a :ref:`trackball rotation `. The rotation gizmo contains another big outer white circle to activate free transformation. Releasing the mouse confirms the operation (*confirm on release*). Extended -------- The operations work in same way as described in :doc:`precision control ` except: Holding down :kbd:`Shift` *after* you :kbd:`LMB` the gizmo handle will constrain the action to smaller increments. Holding down :kbd:`Shift` *before* you :kbd:`LMB` click on one of the handles will cause the gizmo action to be performed relative to the other two axes. See :ref:`view3d-transform-plane-lock`. .. seealso:: The :ref:`Gizmo Preferences `.