.. _bpy.types.Brush: .. _bpy.ops.brush: ***** Brush ***** For painting modes each brush type is exposed as a tool, the brush can be changed from the tool setting. .. figure:: /images/sculpt-paint_brush_brush_data-block-menu.png :align: right Brush data-block menu. Brushes The :ref:`ui-data-block` to select a preset brush type or a custom brush. They are a combination of a "tool", along with stroke, texture, and options. Add Brush When you add a brush, the new brush is a clone of the current one. .. note:: In order to save in a blend-user a custom brush, tick Fake User. The size of the brush can be changed by the :kbd:`[` and :kbd:`]` shortcuts. Direction The influence direction of the brush. This can be *Add* or *Subtract*. Autosmooth Amount of smoothing to apply to each stroke. Inverse Autosmooth Lighter pressure causes more smoothing to apply. Height Simulated height of brush. Options ======= Accumulate Accumulate stroke daubs on top of each other. Radius Unit View Measure brush size relative to the screen. Scene Measure brush size relative to the scene. Sculpt Plane Set the orientation of the brush effect. - Area Plane - View Plane - X Plane - Y Plane - Z Plane Original Normal Keep using the normal of the initial location where the stroke originated. Front Faces Only Brush only affects vertices that face the viewer. 2D Falloff Apply brush influence in 2D circle instead of a sphere.