.. _bpy.types.CameraSolverConstraint: ************************ Camera Solver Constraint ************************ The *Camera Solver* constraint gives the owner of this constraint, the location and rotation of the "solved camera motion". The "solved camera motion" is where Blender reconstructs the position of the physical, real-world camera, when it filmed the video footage, relative to the thing being tracked. .. note:: This constraint only works after you have set up a minimum of eight markers and pressed :ref:`Solve Camera Motion ` (:menuselection:`Movie Clip Editor --> Toolbar --> Solve --> Solve Camera Motion`). Options ======= .. TODO2.8 .. figure:: /images/animation_constraints_motion-tracking_camera-solver_panel.png Camera Solver Constraint panel. Active Clip Receive tracking data from the movie clip active in the Movie Clip editor. If un-checked, an option appears to choose from the other clips. Constraint to F-Curve Applies the constraint, creating Keyframes for the transforms.