.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeLensdist: ******************** Lens Distortion Node ******************** .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeLensdist.png :align: right Lens Distortion Node. Use this node to simulate distortions that real camera lenses produce. Inputs ====== Image Standard image input. Distort This creates a bulging or pinching effect from the center of the image. Dispersion This simulates chromatic aberrations, where different wavelengths of light refract slightly differently, creating a rainbow colored fringe. Properties ========== Projector Enable or disable slider projection mode. When on, distortion is only applied horizontally. Disables *Jitter* and *Fit*. Jitter Adds jitter to the distortion. Faster, but noisier. Fit Scales image so black areas are not visible. Only works for positive distortion. Outputs ======= Image Standard image output.