.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeBlur: ********* Blur Node ********* .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeBlur.png :align: right Blur Node. The Blur node blurs an image, providing several blur modes. Inputs ====== Image Standard image input. Size The optional Size input will be multiplied with the X and Y blur radius values. It accepts also a value image, to control the blur radius with a mask. The values should be mapped between (0 to 1) for an optimal effect. Properties ========== Type The difference between the types is in the way they handle sharp edges, smooth gradients and preserve the highs and the lows. Flat Simply blurs everything uniformly. Tent Preserves the high and the lows better by making a linear falloff. Quadratic Looks similar to *Gaussian* but can be a little faster but slightly worse looking. Cubic Preserve the highs, but give an almost out-of-focus blur while smoothing sharp edges. Gaussian Gives the best looking results but tends to be the slowest. Fast Gaussian An approximation of the Gaussian. Catmull-Rom Catmull-Rom keeps sharp contrast edges crisp. Mitch Preserve the highs, but give an almost out-of-focus blur while smoothing sharp edges. Variable Size Allows a variable blur radius, if the size input is an image. Bokeh The Bokeh button will force the blur node to use a circular blur filter. This gives higher quality results, but is slower than using a normal filter. Gamma The Gamma button applies a gamma correction on the image before blurring it. Relative Percentage Value of the blur radius relative to the image size. Aspect Correction None, Y, X X, Y Values set the ellipsoid radius in numbers of pixels over which to spread the blur effect. Extend Bounds Allows the image, that is being blurred, to extend past its original dimension. Outputs ======= Image Standard image output. Example ======= .. list-table:: Blur node blur modes using 20% of image size as XY, no Bokeh/Gamma. * - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-1-original.png Original image. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-2-flat.png Flat. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-3-tent.png Tent. * - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-4-quadratic.png Quadratic. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-5-cubic.png Cubic. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-6-gaussian.png Gaussian. * - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-7-fast-gaussian.png Fast Gaussian. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-8-catmull-rom.png Catmull-Rom. - .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_blur-node_example-9-mitch.png Mitch.