.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeDilateErode: ***************** Dilate/Erode Node ***************** .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeDilateErode.png :align: right Dilate/Erode Node. The *Dilate/Erode node* provides a morphology (mathematical shape analysis) filter. Inputs ====== Mask Single color channel (or a black-and-white image) input. Properties ========== Mode Step, Threshold, Distance, Feather Distance The Distance is the filter radius. A *positive* value of Distance dilates (expands) the influence of a pixel on its surrounding pixels. A *negative* value erodes (shrinks) its influence. Edge Edge to inset. .. TODO2.8 Explain. Falloff Falloff type the feather. .. TODO2.8 Explain. Outputs ======= Mask The filtered mask output. Example ======= In this example, we wanted to take the rather boring array of ball bearings and add some variation to it. So, we dilated the red and eroded the green, leaving the blue alone. If we had dilated both red and green... (hint: red and green make yellow). The amount of influence is increased by increasing the *Distance* values. `Blend-file available here `__. .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_dilate-erode_example.png