.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeDBlur: ********************* Directional Blur Node ********************* .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeDBlur.png :align: right Directional Blur Node. Blurs an image in a specified direction and magnitude. Can be used to fake motion blur. Inputs ====== Image Standard image input. Properties ========== Iterations Controls how may times the image is duplicated to create the blur effect. Higher values give smoother results. Wrap Wraps the image on the X and Y axis to fill in areas, that become transparent from the blur effect. Center X, Y Sets the position where the blur center is. This makes a difference if the angle, spin, and/or zoom are used. Distance How large the blur effect is. Angle Image is blurred at this angle from the center. Spin Rotates the image each iteration to create a spin effect, from the center point. Zoom Scales the image each iteration, creating the effect of a zoom. Outputs ======= Image Standard image output.