.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeRLayers: ****************** Render Layers Node ****************** .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeRLayers.png :align: right Render Layers Node. This node is the starting place for getting a picture of your scene into the compositing node map. Inputs ====== This node has no input sockets. Properties ========== Scene Select the scene within your blend-file. The scene information taken is the raw footage (pre-compositing and pre-sequencing). .. hint:: To use composited footage from another scene, it has to be rendered into a multi-layer frameset (e.g. ``OpenEXR``) as an intermediate file store and then imported with Image input node again. Render layer A list of available :doc:`Render Layers `. The render button is a short hand to re-render the active scene. Outputs ======= Image Rendered image. Alpha Alpha channel. .. rubric:: Render passes sockets Depending on the Render passes that are enabled, other sockets are available. See :doc:`Cycles render passes `. Z By default the Z depth pass is enabled.