.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeMapValue: ************** Map Value Node ************** .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeMapValue.png :align: right Map Value Node. Map Value node is used to scale, offset and clamp values. Inputs ====== Value Standard Value input. (Value refers to each vector in the set.) Properties ========== Offset Factor added to the input value. Size Scales (multiply) the input value. Use Minimum, Maximum Enable this to activate their related operation. Min, Max Defines a range between minimum and maximum to :term:`clamp` the input value to. Outputs ======= Value Standard value output. Example ======= Z-Depth Map ----------- This is particularly useful in achieving a depth of field effect, where the Map Value node is used to map a Z value (which can be 20 or 30 or even 500 depending on the scene) to the range between (0 to 1), suitable for connecting to a Blur node. Multiplying Values ------------------ The map value node can also be used to multiply values to achieve a desired output value. In the mini-map to the right, the Time node outputs a value between 0.0 and 1.0 evenly scaled over 30 frames. The *first* Map Value node multiplies the input by 2, resulting in an output value that scales from 0.0 to 2.0 over 30 frames. The *second* Map Value node subtracts 1 from the input, giving working values between (-1.00 to 1.0), and multiplies that by 150, resulting in an output value between (-150 to 150) over a 30-frame sequence. .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_vector_map-value_example.png Using Map Value to multiply.