.. _bpy.types.TintGpencilModifier: ************* Tint Modifier ************* The *Tint* Modifier colorize the original stroke with a tint color. Options ======= .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_tint_panel.png :align: right Tint Modifier. Color Defines the tint color for mixing with the original color. Factor Controls the amount for the color mixing. A value of 0 respect the original strokes color, a value of 1.0 totally replace the original color with the tint color. A shift greater than 1.0 will make the points alpha less transparent than originally (2.0 is fully opaque). Create Materials When applied, the modifier will create a new material that will keep the color transformation. Mode The color transformation will be applied on the stroke and/or the fill color. Both, Stroke, Fill Influence Filters ----------------- See :ref:`grease-pencil-modifier-influence-filters`. Example ======= .. list-table:: Tint sample. * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_tint_factor-0.png :width: 200px Color Mix Factor: 0 (original color). - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_tint_factor-05.png :width: 200px Color Mix Factor: 0.5. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_tint_factor-1.png :width: 200px Color Mix Factor: 1.0 (fully tinted).