.. _bpy.types.ArrayGpencilModifier: ************** Array Modifier ************** The *Array* modifier creates an array of copies of the strokes, with each copy being offset from the previous one in any of a number of possible ways. Useful for creating complex repetitive drawings. Multiple Array modifiers may be active for an object at the same time (e.g. to create complex three-dimensional constructs). Options ======= .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modifiers_generate_array_panel.png :align: right The Array modifier. Count Total number of items. Offset ------ Offset Distance between items. X, Y and Z distances can be specified. X, Y, Z Object Offset Use the location or rotation of another *Object* to determine the distance and rotational change between the arrayed items. .. note:: The *Depth Order* is used in the *Grease Pencil* object has an influence on the strokes visualization when using the array modifier. See :doc:`Depth Order ` for more information. Shift ----- Shift A shift on the X, Y and Z axes can be specified. X, Y, Z Rotation -------- Rotation Changes in rotation to apply to the duplicated items. X, Y, Z Random factor Toggle button and random value to apply to the rotation. Scale ----- Scale Changes in scale to apply to the duplicated items. X, Y, Z Random factor Toggle button and random value to apply to the scale. Material -------- Material Index Index of the material to use on duplicated strokes (0 use strokes original materials). Keep original stroke on top Maintains the original strokes used in the array on top of the duplicated ones. Influence Filters ----------------- See :ref:`grease-pencil-modifier-influence-filters`.