.. _bpy.types.ShaderFxShadow: ******************** Shadow Visual Effect ******************** The *Shadow* Visual Effect shows a simulated shadow casting by the object. For simulating the shadow a color silhouette of the object is displaced in horizontal and/or vertical direction on the back of the object. Options ======= .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_shadow_panel.png :align: right Shadow Visual Effect. Offset Control the shadow displacement in pixels on the X and Z axis. X, Z Shadow Color Defines the shadow color. Scale Control the size of the shadow on the X and Z axis. X, Z Rotation Sets the shadow rotation around the *Grease Pencil* object center or another object when *Use Object As Pivot* is enabled. Blur Control the blur scale in pixels on the X and Z axis. X, Z Samples Number of blur samples (0 disabled the blur effect). Use Object As Pivot When enabled, an Object is used by the shadow as the center of rotation. Object Sets the object to use as the pivot point for the shadow. Use Wave Effect When enabled, apply a wave distortion to the shadow. Direction Sets horizontal or vertical direction for the waves. Amplitude Controls the strength and the depth of the wave. Period Controls the wave period. The time it takes to complete one cycle. Phase Shifts the wave pattern over the shadow. Example ======= .. list-table:: Shadow Effect samples. * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_shadow_simple.png :width: 200px Simple Shadow. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_shadow_blur.png :width: 200px Blurred Shadow. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_shadow_stretch.png :width: 200px Stretched shadow with an Empty as center of rotation.