****** Mirror ****** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Edit Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Mesh --> Mirror --> Desired Axis` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Ctrl-M` The Mirror tool mirrors a selection across a selected axis. The Mirror tool in *Edit Mode* is similar to :doc:`Mirroring in Object Mode `. It is exactly equivalent to scaling by -1 vertices, edges or faces around one chosen pivot point and in the direction of one chosen axis, only it is faster/handier. After this tool becomes active, select an axis to mirror the selection by pressing :kbd:`X`, :kbd:`Y`, or :kbd:`Z`. You can also interactively mirror the geometry by holding the :kbd:`MMB` and dragging in the desired mirror direction. Axis of Symmetry ================ For each transformation orientation, you can choose one of its axes along which the mirroring will occur. As you can see, the possibilities are infinite and the freedom complete: you can position the pivot point at any location around which we want the mirroring to occur, choose one transformation orientation and then one axis on it. Pivot Point =========== :doc:`Pivot points ` must be set first. Pivot points will become the center of symmetry. If the widget is turned on it will always show where the pivot point is. In Fig. :ref:`fig-mesh-deform-mirror-origins` the pivot point default to median point of the selection of vertices in *Edit Mode*. This is a special case of the *Edit Mode* as explained on the :doc:`pivot point page `. .. _fig-mesh-deform-mirror-origins: .. list-table:: Mirror around the individual origins. * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_editing_transform_mirror_cursor-before.png :width: 320px Mesh before mirror. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_editing_transform_mirror_individual-after.png :width: 320px Mesh after mirrored along X axis. In Fig. :ref:`fig-mesh-deform-mirror-cursor` the pivot point is the *3D Cursor*, the transformation orientation is *Local*, a.k.a. the Object space, and the axis of transformation is X. .. _fig-mesh-deform-mirror-cursor: .. list-table:: Mirror around the 3D Cursor. * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_editing_transform_mirror_cursor-before.png :width: 320px Mesh before mirror. - .. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_editing_transform_mirror_cursor-after.png :width: 320px Mesh after mirrored along X axis using the 3D cursor as a pivot point. Transformation Orientations =========================== :doc:`Transformation Orientations ` are found on the 3D View header, next to the *Widget* buttons. They decide which coordinate system will rule the mirroring. Mirror Vertex Group =================== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Edit Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Mesh --> Weights --> Mirror` Mirrors the vertex group weights. See :ref:`Mirror Vertex Group ` for more information.