Property Weights



Physics ‣ Cloth ‣ Property Weights

This panel is used to constrain certain cloth properties to a certain vertex group. The properties that they control can be found in a combination of the Physical Properties and Shape panels.

Structural Group

Defines a vertex group to control over structural stiffness.

Max Tension

Maximum tension stiffness value.

Max Compression

Maximum Compression stiffness value.

Shear Group

Vertex group for fine control over shear stiffness.

Max Shearing

Maximum shear scaling value.

Bending Group

Vertex group for fine control over bending stiffness.

Max Bending

Maximum bending stiffness value.

Shrinking Group

Vertex group for shrinking cloth.

Max Shrinking

Max amount to shrink cloth by, specifying a negative value controls the max amount for the cloth to grow.