

The Screen data-block menu with pop-up.

Screens are essentially predefined window layouts. Blender’s flexibility with areas lets you create customized working environments for different tasks such as modeling, animating, and scripting. It is often useful to quickly switch between different environments within the same file. See area controls for how to move frame borders, split and consolidate areas.

The Screen data-block menu, that lets you select the layouts, is located in the Info Editors header.


Screen Layout
A list of available Screen layouts. See Default Screens.
Add +
Click on the Add button and a new frame layout will be created based on your current layout.
Delete X
You can delete the selected screen by using the Delete button.


By default, each screen layout “remembers” the last scene it was used on. Selecting a different screen layout will switch to the layout and jump to that scene.


Para ciclar entre las pantallas use Ctrl-Right y Ctrl-Left.


On macOS you may need to disable the shortcuts for «Mission Control» in your computer’s preferences. These can be found in System Preferences ‣ Keyboard ‣ Shortcuts.

Default Screens

3D View Full:Una pantalla completa de Vista 3D, usada para previsualizar su escena.
Animation:Para hacer que los protagonistas y otros objetos se muevan, cambien de forma o color, etc.
Compositing:Para combinar distintas partes de una escena (ej. fondos, actores, efectos especiales) y filtrarlos (ej. corrección de color).
Default:La disposición de pantalla predefinida usada por Blender para archivos nuevos. Útil para modelar objetos nuevos.
Game Logic:Para planificar y programar juegos en Blender.
Motion Tracking:
 Used for motion tracking with the Movie Clip editor.
Scripting:Para documentar su trabajo y/o escribir scripts personalizados para automatizar Blender.
UV Editing:Para aplanar la proyección de un objeto malla en 2D y controlar cómo una textura se dispone sobre la superficie.
Video Editing:Para cortar y editar secuencias animadas.

Save and Override

The screen layouts are saved in the blend-file. When you open a file, enabling the Load UI in the File Browser indicates that Blender should use the file’s screen layouts and overriding the current layout. See Load UI.

A custom set of screen layouts can be saved as a part of the Startup File.

Disposiciones adicionales

A medida que vaya obteniendo experiencia con Blender, considere agregar otras disposiciones de pantalla para acomodarla a su flujo de trabajo, ya que esto le ayudará a incrementar su productividad. Algunos ejemplos incluyen:

Modeling:Four 3D Views (top, front, side and perspective), Properties editor for Editing.
Lighting:3D Views for moving lights, UV/Image editor for displaying Render Result, Properties editor for rendering and lamp properties and controls.
Materials:Properties editor for Material settings, 3D View for selecting objects, Outliner, Library script (if used), Node Editor (if using Node-based materials).
Painting:UV/Image Editor for texture painting image, 3D View for painting directly on object in UV Face Select mode, three mini-3D Views down the side that have background reference pictures set to full strength, Properties editor.