Recuperación de Datos
Computer crashes, power outages, or simply forgetting to save can result in the loss or corruption of your work. You can use Blender’s Auto Save feature to reduce the chance of losing files when such events occur.
There are options to save a backup of your files like Auto Save that saves your file automatically over time, and Save on Quit, which saves your blend-file automatically when you exit Blender. In addition to these functions being enabled by default, the Save on Quit functionality cannot be disabled.
For your actions, there are options like Undo, Redo and an Undo History, used to roll back from mistakes under normal operation, or return back to a specific action. See Deshacer y Rehacer.
Recovering Save Versions
By default Blender keeps an additional backup when saving files.
So saving renames the previously saved file with a .blend1
extension instead of overwriting it.
This file can be used to revert to a previous state.
See Save Versions to configure the number of versions kept.
Recovering Auto Saves
Última Sesión
- Menú:
Recuperar última sesión abrirá el archivo quit.blend
que se guarda en Directorio Temporal cuando salga de Blender en funcionamiento normal (ver Sesión de Blender). Tenga en cuenta que los archivos en su directorio temporal pueden eliminarse cuando reinicie su computadora (dependiendo de la configuración de su sistema).
Auto Guardado
- Menú:
The Recover Auto Save allows you to open the Auto Saved file. You will have to navigate to your Directorio Temporal. The Auto Saved files are named using a random number and have a blend extension.
See Auto Save Preferences to configure auto-save.
- Trusted Source
When enabled, Python scripts and drivers that may be included in the file will be run automatically. Enable this only if you created the file yourself, or you trust that the person who gave it to you did not include any malicious code with it. See Python Security to configure default trust options.
Enable the detailed list view when browsing auto-saved files to show which is the most recent.
When recovering an Auto Saved file, any changes made since the last Auto Save will be lost.
Only one Auto Saved file exists for each .blend
file, i.e. Blender does not keep older versions.
Therefor, you will only be able to restore the most recent Auto Save file.