- Modo:
Modo Pose
- Menú:
- Atajo:
The Propagate tool copies the pose of the selected bones on the current frame over to the keyframes delimited by the Termination Mode. It automates the process of copying and pasting.
- Modo de finalización
Modos que permitirán determinar cómo se decide cuándo detener la sobrescritura de claves.
- Al próximo clave
Simply copies the pose to the first keyframe after (but not including any keyframe on) the current frame.
- Al último clave
Will simply replace the last keyframe (i.e. making action cyclic).
- Antes del fotograma
To all keyframes between current frame and the End frame option. This option is best suited for use from scripts due to the difficulties in setting this frame value, though it is possible to set this manually via the Ajustar última operación panel if necessary.
- Antes del último fotograma
To all keyframes from current frame until no more are found.
- En claves seleccionados
Will apply the pose of the selected bones to all selected keyframes.
- En marcadores seleccionados
To all keyframes occurring on frames with Scene Markers after the current frame.
- Fotograma final
Defines the upper-bound for the frame range within which keyframes will be affected (with the lower bound being the current frame).