Nodos soportados
Most nodes are taken from Cycles. However, some features are missing and may (or may not) be implemented in Eevee in the future.
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Eevee only Nodes
These nodes are only available if Eevee is the active render engine. These nodes will not work in Cycles.
Sombreador a RVA
Eevee supports the conversion of BSDF outputs into color inputs to make any kind of custom shading. This is supported using the Shader to RGB node.
BSDF Especular
This node implements the specular workflow found in other render engines.
Soporte para otros nodos
If something is not listed here, it is supported.
Nodos de sombreado
In the general case, shader nodes should behave more or less like in Cycles. So be sure to check out the Cycles section of this manual for that.
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Although most BSDFs are supported, many of them are approximations and are not feature complete.
- BSDF Difuso
Roughness is not supported. Only Lambertian diffusion is supported.
- Emisión
Treated as indirect lighting and will only show up in SSRs and Probes.
- BSDF Vidrio / BSDF Refractivo
Does not refract lights. Does not support Beckmann distribution. See Refraction limitations.
- BSDF Reflectivo
Does not support Beckmann and Ashikhmin-Shirley distributions.
- Transluminiscencia (SSS)
Random Walk sampling is not supported. Per color channel Radius is specified by the default socket value. Any link plugged into this socket gets ignored. Texture Blur is not accurate for any value other than 0.0 and 1.0.
- BSDF Transparente
Transparency will only have an effect if the Material blend mode is not Opaque. Colored and additive transparency are only compatible with «Alpha Blend» mode.
- BSDF Translúcido
Does not diffuse the light inside the object. It only lights the object with reversed normals.
- BSDF Principista
Cumulative limitations from Diffuse BSDF, Glossy BSDF, Refraction BSDF and Subsurface Scattering. Anisotropy is not supported. Transmission Roughness is not supported. The Sheen layer is a crude approximation.
- Absorción volumétrica
See Volume Limitation.
- Dispersión volumétrica
The anisotropy parameter will be mixed and averaged for all overlapping volumetric objects, which is not physically correct and differs from Cycles. Also see Volume Limitation.
- Volumen Principista
Same as Volume Scatter. See Volume Limitation.
- Hueco
Partially supported, using Blend Modes other than Alpha may give incorrect results.
- BSDF Anisótropo
No soportado.
- BSDF Dibujo animado
No soportado.
- BSDF Pelo
No soportado.
- Velvet BSDF
No soportado.
- BSDF Pelo Principista
No soportado.
Nodos de entrada
- Oclusión ambiental
The sample count is not used.
- Camera Data
EveHair Inforything is compatible.
- Geometría
Pointiness is not supported.
- Aleatorio por isla
Random per Island is not supported.
- Atributo
Defaults to active UV layer. Only «density», «color», «flame» and «temperature» built-in Geometry attributes are supported. UVs and Color Attributes are supported. Only up to 8 Object or Instancer attributes per material (both types share the same limit), and 512 View Layer attributes per scene are supported.
- Biselar
No soportado.
- Fresnel
Everything is compatible.
- Información de curvas
The Random output uses a different RNG algorithm. Range and statistical distribution of the values should be the same but the values will be different.
- Layer Weight
Everything is compatible.
- Trayectoria de rayo
Eevee has no real concept of rays. But in order to ease the workflow between Cycles and Eevee some of the outputs are only supported in particular cases. This node makes it possible to tweak indirect lighting in the shader.
Only a subset of the outputs are supported and the ray depth does not exactly have the same meaning. In order for the Is Camera, Is Shadow, Is Diffuse, and Is Glossy outputs to work, the object must be inside an Irradiance Volume and Iluminación indirecta must be baked.
Es rayo de cámara: Soportado.
Es rayo de sombra: Soportado.
Es rayo de difusión: Soportado.
Es rayo difuminado: Soportado.
Es rayo singular: No soportado. Produce el mismo resultado que Es rayo difuminado.
Es rayo de reflexión: No soportado. Produce el mismo resultado que Es rayo difuminado.
Es rayo de transmisión: No soportado. Produce el mismo resultado que Es rayo difuminado.
Longitud del rayo: No soportado. Produce un valor de 1.0.
Profundidad del rayo: Indicará el rebote actual al capturar el caché de iluminación.
Profundidad de difusión: Igual que Profundidad del rayo, pero sólo al capturar la iluminación difusa.
Profundidad de difuminación: Igual que Profundidad del rayo, pero sólo al capturar la iluminación especular.
Profundidad de transparencia: No soportado. Produce un valor de 0.
Profundidad de transmisión: No soportado. Igual que Profundidad de difuminación.
Es rayo difuminado no funcionará con las Reflexiones/Refracciones en espacio de pantalla, pero sí lo hará con planos de reflexión (usados con reflexiones en espacio de pantalla o no).
- Información de objeto
Everything is compatible.
- Información de partículas
No soportado.
- Tangente
Everything is compatible.
- Coordenadas de texturizado
From Instancer is not supported.
- Mapa UV
From Instancer is not supported.
- Estructura
Pixel size option does not give exactly the same output as Cycles. The width can be a bit different.
Nodos de texturizado
Most texture nodes are supported except for the exceptions listed below:
No soportado.
- Imagen
Smart Interpolation always uses Cubic interpolation. Artifact present using Tube or Sphere projection with linear interpolation. This is due to hardware mip-mapping and Anisotropic filtering. This kind of artifact will be also visible if the texture coordinates provided are not continuous. Using Box projection with Extend type set to Clip or Extend is not supported. Instead, it will always use Repeat.
- Point Density
No soportado.
- Sky Texture
In Nishita mode, the Sun Disc property is not supported.
Otros nodos
- Decaimiento de las luces
No soportado.
- Bump
Imprecision due to less precise derivatives.
- Displacement/Vector Displacement
No soportado.
- Material Output
Displacement output behavior is broken compared to Cycles.