- Modo:
Modo Pintar Vértices
- Menú:
- Set Vertex Colors Shift-K
Fill the active Color Attribute with the current paint color.
- Suavizar colores de vértices
Smooth colors across vertices.
- Ensuciar colores de vértices
- Intensidad de desenfoque
Blur strength per iteration.
- Iteraciones de desenfoque
Number of times to blur the colors (higher blurs more).
- Ángulo brillo
Clamps the angle for convex areas of the mesh. Lower values increase the contrast but can result in clamping. 90 means flat, 180 means infinitely pointed.
- Ángulo suciedad
Clamps the angle for concave areas of the mesh. Higher values increase the contrast but can result in clamping. 90 means flat, 0 means infinitely deep.
- Sólo suciedad
When active it won’t calculate cleans for convex areas.
- Normalizar
Choose optimal contrast by effectively lowering Highlight Angle and increasing Dirt Angle automatically. Disabling Normalize allows getting consistent results across multiple objects.
- Colores de vértices desde influencias
Converts the active weight into grayscale colors.
- Invertir
Permitirá invertir los valores RVA del color.
- Niveles
Adjust the levels of the selected vertices.
- Tono Saturación Valor
Adjust the HSV values of the selected vertices.
- Brillo / Contraste
Adjust the brightness/contrast of the selected vertices.