.. _bpy.types: .. _bpy.ops: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Blender Reference Manual %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Welcome to the Blender Manual! This is the manual for the 3D animation software from `Blender.org `__. .. only:: builder_html - This site can be downloaded for offline use: :download:`Download the full manual (zipped HTML files) ` - :doc:`/about/whats_new` Getting Started =============== - :doc:`/getting_started/about/index` - :doc:`/getting_started/installing/index` - :doc:`/getting_started/help` Sections ======== .. The image ratio is: width: 350px; height: 350/4 + (2x5) ~= 98px .. only:: builder_html and (not singlehtml) .. container:: tocdescr .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_interface.jpg :target: interface/index.html :doc:`/interface/index` An introduction to Blender's window system, widgets and tools. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_editors.jpg :target: editors/index.html :doc:`/editors/index` Overview of the editors describing the interface and functionality of each one. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_data.jpg :target: data_system/index.html :doc:`/data_system/index` Blender's data management of scene data and the structure of blend-files. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_modeling.jpg :target: modeling/index.html :doc:`/modeling/index` The various supported geometry types, modeling tools, and modifiers. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_painting.jpg :target: sculpt_paint/index.html :doc:`/sculpt_paint/index` The 3D texture painting and sculpting modes. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_rigging.jpg :target: rigging/index.html :doc:`/rigging/index` Overview of armatures, pose mode and constraints. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_animation.jpg :target: animation/index.html :doc:`/animation/index` Keyframe animation, graph interpolation, drivers, and shape keys. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_physics.jpg :target: physics/index.html :doc:`/physics/index` Physics simulations, particle systems and dynamic paint. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_render.jpg :target: render/index.html :doc:`/render/index` Render engines (Internal, Cycles), shading, post-processing, and Freestyle (NPR). .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_compositing.jpg :target: compositing/index.html :doc:`/compositing/index` Post-processing with the Compositor. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_game.jpg :target: game_engine/index.html :doc:`/game_engine/index` Blender's Game engine, including scripting, logic and physics. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_preferences.jpg :target: preferences/index.html :doc:`/preferences/index` Blender's settings. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_advanced.jpg :target: advanced/index.html :doc:`/advanced/index` Python scripting, how to write add-ons and a reference for command-line arguments. .. container:: descr .. figure:: /images/index_troubleshooting.jpg :target: troubleshooting/index.html :doc:`/troubleshooting/index` Compatibility errors related to other software (graphics drivers, Python), how to write a bug report and recover data. .. container:: descr :doc:`Glossary ` A list of terms and definitions used in Blender and this manual. .. container:: descr :ref:`Manual Index ` A list of terms linked to the Glossary. .. only:: latex or epub or singlehtml .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 getting_started/index.rst interface/index.rst editors/index.rst data_system/index.rst modeling/index.rst sculpt_paint/index.rst rigging/index.rst animation/index.rst physics/index.rst render/index.rst compositing/index.rst game_engine/index.rst preferences/index.rst advanced/index.rst addons/index.rst pipeline/index.rst troubleshooting/index.rst glossary/index.rst Get Involved ============ This manual is maintained largely by volunteers. Please consider to join the effort and :ref:`Contribute to this Manual `. .. just so this is included in the toc (not user visible). .. toctree:: :hidden: about/index.rst