
Materials, lights and backgrounds are all defined using a network of shading nodes. These nodes output values, vectors, colors and shaders.


An important concept to understand when building node setups is that of the shader socket. The output of all surface and volume shaders is a shader, describing lighting interaction at the surface or of the volume, rather than the color of the surface.

Il y a quelques types de shaders disponibles comme des nodes :

BSDF shader
Décrit la réflexion, la réfraction et l’absorption de la lumière sur une surface d’objet.
Emission shader
Décrit l’émission de lumière sur une surface d’objet ou dans un volume.
Volume shader
Décrit la dispersion de lumière dans un volume.
Background shader
Décrit l’émission de lumière depuis l’environnement.

Each shader node has a color input, and outputs a shader. These can then be mixed and added together using Mix and Add Shader nodes. No other operations are permitted. The resulting output can then be used by the renderer to compute all light interactions, for direct lighting or global illumination.

Voir aussi



Each texture type in Cycles corresponds to a node, with a texture coordinate and various parameters as input, and a color or value as output. No texture data-blocks are needed; instead node groups can be used for reusing texture setups.

For UV mapping and texture painting in the viewport, the Image texture node must be used. When setting such a node as active, it will be drawn in Textured draw mode, and can be painted on in texture paint mode.

The default texture coordinates for all nodes are Generated coordinates, with the exception of Image textures that use UV coordinates by default. Each node includes some options to modify the texture mapping and resulting color, and these can be edited in the texture properties.

Voir aussi


De plus

Nodes for geometric data, texture coordinates, layering shaders and non-physically-based tricks can be found in:

Open Shading Language

Les nodes personnalisés peuvent être écrits avec le Open Shading Language.