Node Point Density


Node Point Density.

Le Node Point Density est utilisé pour ajouter des points volumétriques pour chaque particule ou sommet d’un autre objet.


Texture coordinate to sample texture at; defaults to global position (Position output of Geometry node) if the socket is left unconnected.


Point Data

Where to get points from.

Particle System
Utiliser chaque position de particule du système de particules spécifié.
Object Vertices
Utiliser chaque position de sommet de l’objet spécifié.
Quels sommets d’objet ou quel système de particules sera(seront) utilisé(s).
Particle System
Les positions de ce système seront utilisées.

The coordinate system for mapping points.

World Space
Map each point exactly where the source particle/vertex is.
Object Space
Fit the points from the source particles/vertices inside the bounding box of the object with the point density texture.
Size of the points.

Texel filtering type.

No interpolation, use nearest texel. Produces blocky looking points.
Interpolate linearly between texels, producing soft, round points.
Use cubic falloff, producing very soft points. Useful when points are very densely packed.
Les dimensions de la texture contenant les données de points.
Color Source

Which attribute of the particle system or mesh is used to color the output.

Particle Color Sources
Particle Age
Lifetime mapped as (0.0 - 1.0) intensity.
Particle Speed
Particle speed (absolute magnitude of velocity) mapped as (0.0 - 1.0) intensity.
Particle Velocity
XYZ velocity mapped to RGB colors.
Vertex Color Sources
Vertex Color

Use a vertex color layer for coloring the point density texture.


Vertex colors are defined per face corner. A single vertex can have as many different colors as faces it is part of. The actual color of the point density texture is averaged from all vertex corners.

Vertex Weight
Utiliser les poids d’un groupe de sommets comme valeurs d’intensité.
Vertex Normals
Use object-space vertex normals as RGB values.


Sortie de couleur de texture.
Densité de volume.



Domain object with Point Density texture using vertices from ball as points.