Copy Attributes Menu

Cet add-on étend le raccourci clavier Copy Objects Ctrl-C pour intégrer de nombreux types de copies supplémentaires.


  • Ouvrez Blender et allez dans Preferences puis dans l’onglet Add-ons.

  • Cliquez sur Interface puis sur Copy Attributes Menu pour activer le script.


Mode Objet

Sélectionnez plus d’un objet, appuyez sur Ctrl-C pour copier les attributs de l’objet actif vers l’objet sélectionné, vous verrez le menu suivant :

Chaque élément du menu copiera certains attributs de l’objet actif (dernier objet sélectionné) vers tous les autres éléments sélectionnés :

Copy Location

Copie l’emplacement de l’objet en coordonnées world.

Copy Rotation

Copie la rotation de l’objet en coordonnées world.

Copy Scale

Copie l’échelle de l’objet en coordonnées world.

Copy Draw Options

Copies draw options: for instance wireframe draw, empty draw shape, empty draw size, etc.

Copy Time Offset

Copies the animation stack time offset.

Copy Instancing

Copies the objects instancing group/vertex/face settings.

Copy Object Color


Copy Mass (physics setting)


Copy Protected Transform

Duplicates the transform locks.

Copy Object Constraints

Currently deletes all constraints on the selected objects and replaces them with the constraints on the active object.

Copy Texture Space


Copy Pass Index


Copy Modifiers

Currently behaves like constraints, all you original modifiers will be replaced by the ones on the active item.

Copy Vertex Weights


Mesh Edit Mode

With a mesh object selected, enter Edit Mode and press Ctrl-C to copy texture face attributes. The following menu appears:

Some of the items may not appear, depending on the number of UV texture or vertex color layers on the mesh.

The first group of options copies attributes from the active face to all other selected faces in the same UV texture or vertex color layer.

Copy Material

Copy material index to selected faces.

Copy Image

Copy image assignment to selected faces.

Copy UV Coordinates

Copy UV coordinates to selected faces.

Copy Vertex Colors

Copy Vertex Colors to selected faces.

The second group of options copies attributes to selected faces in the active UV texture or vertex color layer from their corresponding faces in a different UV texture or vertex color layer.

Copy Image from Layer

Copy image assignment from another layer for selected faces.

Copy UV Coordinates from Layer

Copy UV coordinates from another layer for selected faces.

Copy Vertex Colors from Layer

Copy Vertex Colors from another layer for selected faces.

Pose Mode

Select more than one bone, press Ctrl-C to copy attributes from active (last selected bone) to all other selected bones. The following menu appears:

Copy Local Location

Copies the location coordinate (as seen in the transform panel) to the selected bones.

Copy Local Rotation

Copies the rotation coordinate (as seen in the transform panel) to the selected bones.

Copy Local Scale

Copies the scale coordinate (as seen in the transform panel) to the selected bones.

Copy Visual Location

Copies the actual location of the bone (as seen in the screen) to the selected bones.

Copy Visual Rotation

Copies the actual rotation of the bone (as seen in the screen) to the selected bones.

Copy Visual Scale

Copies the actual size of the bone (as seen in the screen) to the selected bones.

Copy Bone Shape


Copy Protected Transform


Copy Pose Constraints


Copy IK Limits


Copy Pose

Is what was originally mapped to Ctrl-C before installing the add-on.

Distinction between Local and Visual

Local transformation of bones is relative the each bone’s own rest position; if they do not match in Edit Mode, they will not match in Pose Mode, even though the numbers appear the same in the bone’s transformation panel. They also do not take into account constraints, or parenting.

Visual transformation of bones copies the visual transform (on screen) of the active bone to the selected bones, regardless of parenting or constraints. The result should look exactly the same even if the bone’s numbers do not match. Constraints on the selected bones may prevent this from working (or drivers for that matter):





Copy Attributes Menu.


3D Viewport Ctrl-C



Bassam Kurdali, Fabian Fricke, Adam Wiseman


to do



Support Level



Cet add-on est fourni avec Blender.