Instalasi di macOS

Panduan ini mencakup topik-topik berikut:

  1. Menginstal Dependensi

  2. Mengunduh Repositori

  3. Menyiapkan Lingkungan Build


Panduan ini sangat tergantung dengan alat command-line. Ini mengasumsikan Anda setidaknya kenal dengan aplikasi terminal macOS.

Menginstal Dependensi

Install those packages or make sure you have them in your system.

When using Homebrew, run the following commands in the terminal:

python3 -m ensurepip
brew install git git-lfs
git lfs install

Mengunduh Repositori

Simply check out the Blender Manual's repository using:

cd ~
git clone

The repository will now be downloaded which may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.

Menyiapkan Lingkungan Build

  • Buka jendela Terminal.

  • Enter the blender-manual folder which was just added by git clone:

    cd ~/blender-manual
  • Inside that folder is a file called requirements.txt which contains a list of all the dependencies we need. To install these dependencies, we can use the pip command:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Every now and then you may want to make sure your dependencies are up to date using:

pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade