Installazione su macOS¶
Controlla la pagina Download di Blender per trovare i requisiti minimi e dove ottenere Blender (se non l’hai ancora fatto).
Installa da DMG¶
Blender for macOS are distributed on disk images (dmg-files).
To mount the disk image double-click on the dmg-file.
Then drag
into the Applications folder.
Depending on the Security and Privacy preferences of your Mac, before opening Blender for the first time, macOS will request your approval.
Come effettuare un’installazione portatile
Per conservare tutti i file di configurazione e i componenti aggiuntivi installati all’interno del bundle dell’applicazione Blender, creare una cartella denominata config
in Directory LOCAL.
Updating on macOS¶
On macOS there are various ways of updating Blender. This section covers the most common approach.
Updating with DMG¶
When an update for Blender is released, it can be downloaded directly
from the Blender website.
Install the new version by overwriting the current
in the Applications folder.
You can rename
or place it in a different folder to have more than one version at a time.
Vedi anche
The Splash screen Predefinite page for information about import settings from previous Blender versions and on other quick settings.