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Visualizza ‣ Navigazione ‣ Orbita
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MMB, Numpad2, Numpad4, Numpad6, Numpad8.
Rotate the view around the point of interest by clicking and dragging MMB on the viewport’s area.
The Alt key has several effects on orbiting:
Clicking a point with Alt-MMB will make it the point of interest: it becomes the central point which the view orbits around.
Holding Alt and then dragging with MMB in a certain direction will align the view to an axis and make it orthographic.
Dragging with MMB and then holding Alt will perform an orbit while also snapping to the world axes, as well as the diagonals between them.
To change the viewing angle in discrete steps, use Numpad8 and Numpad2 to go up and down, or Numpad4 and Numpad6 for left and right. You can also press Numpad9 to switch to the opposite side of the view (rotates the camera 180° around the Z axis).
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Visualizza ‣ Navigazione ‣ Ruota
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Shift-Numpad4, Shift-Numpad6
Rotate the viewport camera around its viewing direction in 15° discrete steps by default. See the rotation angle preference to configure.
To reset the roll, you can first align the view to the global X axis using Numpad3, then orbit to get back to the regular perspective view.
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Vista ‣ Navigazione ‣ Panoramica
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Shift-MMB, Ctrl-Numpad2, Ctrl-Numpad4, Ctrl-Numpad6, Ctrl-Numpad8
Moves the view up, down, left and right. To pan the view, hold down Shift and drag MMB in the 3D Viewport. For discrete steps, use the hotkeys Ctrl-Numpad8, Ctrl-Numpad2, Ctrl-Numpad4 and Ctrl-Numpad6 as with orbiting.
Zoom In/Out
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View ‣ Navigation ‣ Zoom In/Out
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Ctrl-MMB, Wheel, NumpadPlus, NumpadMinus
Moves the view closer to, or further away from, the point of interest. You can zoom in and out by rolling the Wheel or dragging with Ctrl-MMB. To zoom with discrete steps, use the hotkeys NumpadPlus and NumpadMinus.
If you get lost in 3D space (which is not uncommon), Tutti i Frame and Frame selezionato can be used to show the contents of your scene.
Ingrandisci Regione
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Visualizza ‣ Navigazione ‣ Ingrandisci Regione…
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The Zoom Region tool allows you to specify a rectangular region by dragging with LMB. The view will then zoom in on this region.
You can also drag with MMB to zoom out instead.
Dolly View
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View ‣ Navigation ‣ Dolly View…
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In most cases it’s sufficient to zoom the view to get a closer look at something. However, zooming only gets you up to the point of interest and no further. If you hit this point where zooming no longer works, you can instead Dolly by holding Shift-Ctrl and dragging up or down with MMB. This will move the point of interest (and the view along with it).
Tutti i Frame
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View ‣ Frame All
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Changes the view so that you can see all objects.
Frame selezionato
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View ‣ Frame Selected
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Changes the view so that you can see the selected object(s).