************ Introduction ************ (TODO add) see https://developer.blender.org/T46878 The UV/Image Editor is where you can edit 2D assets like images/textures and UVs. .. Using the UV editor is explained more in-depth in the next sections. This is an overview of the tools found there. .. figure:: /images/editors_uv-image_introduction_main.png UV/Image Editor with a UV map and a test grid texture. Header ====== View Tools for controlling how the content is displayed in the editor. See :doc:`/editors/uv_image/navigating`. Select Tools for :doc:`Selecting UVs </editors/uv_image/uv/editing/layout>`. Image This contains options for :doc:`/editors/uv_image/image/index`. UVs Contains tools for :doc:`Unwrapping Meshes </editors/uv_image/uv/editing/unwrapping/index>` and :doc:`Editing UVs </editors/uv_image/uv/editing/layout>`. Modes View Images and UV maps. Paint :doc:`/sculpt_paint/painting/texture_paint/index`. Mask :doc:`/editors/movie_clip_editor/masking/index`. Properties Region ================= Grease Pencil See the :doc:`Grease Pencil </interface/grease_pencil/index>` docs. Display Controls display options.