Core Options

.. admonition:: Reference
   :class: refbox

   :Panel:     :menuselection:`Properties editor --> Render --> Freestyle`

.. figure:: /images/render_freestyle_core_freestyle-panel.png

   Freestyle core options.

Freestyle can be activated with the checkbox in the header of the Freestyle panel in the *Render* tab.

Line Thickness
   There are two different modes for defining the base line thickness:

      The line thickness is given by a user-specified number of pixels. The default value is 1.0.
      The unit line thickness is scaled by the proportion of the present vertical image resolution to 480 pixels.
      For instance, the *unit line thickness* is 1.0 with the image height set to 480 px, 1.5 with 720 px
      and 2.0 with 960 px.

Line Thickness
   Only for *Absolute* line thickness: base line thickness in pixels is 1.0 by default.